Accepted Forms of Payment:
Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Cash, Check, Apple Pay, and Care Credit.

CareCredit helps you pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses for you, your family, and even your pets!

Once you are approved, you can use it again and again* to help manage health, wellness and beauty costs not covered by insurance.
For more information about Care Credit and how it works, please visit their website: Click Here

Trupanion medical insurance can pay your veterinary bill in minutes.

Trupanion medical insurance for your pet

Medical insurance for pets can help you pay for unexpected illnesses and injuries. Trupanion can cover a significant portion of your veterinary bill (up to 90% of eligible costs*) in minutes. With a Trupanion policy, our clients often pay only their part of the bill at checkout and leave the hospital without waiting for claim approvals and reimbursements. You can learn more about Trupanion coverage and direct payments at