An ECG records the electrical activity of the heart by attaching small contact electrodes to the animal’s limbs and chest wall. An ECG is commonly used and recorded during anesthesia; however, a veterinarian may also recommend an ECG for diagnosis of abnormal heart rhythms and also can be useful for identification of heart enlargement or drug effects on the heart. Arrhythmias are more common than you may realize and they can be difficult to identify. Preanesthetic screening and guidance about how to interpret ECGs can be lifesaving for veterinary patients. That’s why we use Idexx’s CardioPet ECG Device and Telemedicine Services. The CardioPet software transmits ECGs directly to a cardiologist for interpretation. What’s more, veterinarians can now capture readings from all six leads together in real time and transmit them all at once, vastly improving the ECG work flow. Another feature of the new CardioPet device that’s getting rave reviews: the leads feature comfort clips with flat tips that connect with less pressure to alleviate discomfort and help animals stay calm. The new CardioPet device also lets veterinarians record 30 seconds of data and send it to IDEXX Telemedicine Consultants anytime, instead of having to send while the animal is on the table. And, using the IDEXX-PACS™ Imaging Software, radiographs and ECGs can be submitted together at the same time for a more complete diagnostic consultation.