Introducing Our New Temperature Scanning Microchip


Big Lick Vet is excited to announce that we are now carrying a new microchip from HomeAgain that detects your pet’s temperature in addition to providing a permanent form of identification for your pet! Each pet’s temperature is read by passing a microchip scanner over the pets’ shoulder blades. The scanner emits a low radio frequency that provides the power necessary to transmit the microchips unique cat or dog ID code and positively identify the pet, as well as provide the pet’s temperature.

HomeAgain is the only dog and cat microchipping product on the market today that has the Bio-Bond patented anti-migration feature to help ensure that the microchip will stay in place so that it may be easily located and scanned. If your pet gets lost and is taken to an animal shelter or veterinarian, they will scan the microchip to read its unique dog or cat ID code. This is the number used by HomeAgain to identify the pet and retrieve your contact information, which is used to contact you and reunite you with your pet in the event you are separated.

The HomeAgain TempScan can do all the things a typical pet microchip does but will also detect the temperature of the site where the microchip has been implanted and help monitor fluctuations in body temperature. Normal body temperature is a range, which varies from one pet to another, and can be influenced by factors such as time of day, level of stress, medical conditions, age, body condition score and level of activity.

We’ve extended our TempScan Microchip $20 discount through the end of September, so for just $45 your pet can be microchipped, which also includes registration! Call 540-776-0700 to set up an appointment for your pet to be microchipped today!