Healthy Puppy Package
Congratulations on your new puppy! We are committed to helping you and your puppy begin your long and healthy relationship together. The first year of your puppy’s life is important to his future health and wellness. We have developed a series of recommendations of preventative care to attain our mutual goal of wellness for your puppy. We are offering these recommendations in a package for your convenience. This package is discounted to allow you to give your puppy the very best.
First visit 9-10 weeks of age
(If no veterinary vaccine history: 6-8 weeks of age)
- Complete physical examination
- DHPP Series vaccination (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo, and Para-influenza)
- Intestinal Parasite Exam (owner to bring fecal sample)
- Oral deworming for common intestinal parasites
- Nail Trim
- Heartworm Medication (1 month) & Flea and tick prevention (1 month)
Second visit 12-13 weeks of age
- Complete physical examination
- DHLPP Series vaccination (Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parvo and Para-influenza)
- Bordatella vaccination (initial)
- Intestinal Parasite Exam (owner to bring fecal)
- 2nd oral deworming for common intestinal parasites
- Nail trim
- Heartworm medication (1 month) & Flea and tick Prevention (1 month)
Third visit 16 weeks of age
- Complete physical examination
- DHLPP vaccination (1 year)
- Rabies vaccination (1 year)
- Lyme disease vaccination (initial)**
- Intestinal Parasite Exam (Fecal Sample provided by the owner)
- 3rd oral deworming for common intestinal parasites
- Nail Trim
- Heartworm medication (1 month) & Flea and tick Prevention (1 month)
Fourth visit at 20 weeks of age (Cost included in first 3 visits)
- Lyme disease vaccination (1 year)**
- Heartworm medication (1 month) & Flea and tick Prevention (1 month)
**The Lyme vaccine is recommended for most of our patients, but recommendations will be made based on your pet’s exposure.**
- Puppy package visits must be scheduled 3 to 4 weeks apart to ensure vaccine boosters are effective.
- A $25 discount is applied for spay/neuter done within the puppy’s first year of life with Bick Lick Veterinary Service. Valid only upon completion of all 4 visits.
- It is possible that your puppy may have specific needs, if so the veterinarian will discuss any additional costs that you may incur in addition to the package.
Thank you for choosing Big Lick Veterinary Services to care for your newest family member! Please contact 540-776-0700 for current Puppy Package Price List.